Dumbbell Forearm Workouts: A Definitive Guide

For a lot of programs out there, the forearms make no appearance but are key for arm strength in general, grip power and daily functionality. Strengthening your forearms will not only help you achieve a more symmetrical body, but also increase performance in lifts such as deadlifts, pull-ups and rows. That fact that it is an isolated movement makes this a exercise perfect to fit into any training routine and if you have some dumbbells, then great.

So in this article, we will investigate some of the best dumbbell forearm workouts to gain strength and endurance while also promoting muscle definition.

1. Wrist Curls

Primary: Flexor Muscles of the Forearms

How to Perform:

  • Sit on bench while holding a dumbbell in each hand with the palms of hands facing up resting forearms to thighs.
  • Lower the dumbbells to your fingertips, then curl them as high as you can over that bench.
  • Lower the dumbbells back down to starting position slowly.
  • Reps and Sets: Three sets of 12-15 reps

Tip: Make sure you are using the full range of motion and performing a controlled movement in order to recruit maximum muscle fibers.

2. Reverse Wrist Curls

Primary Muscle: Forearm Extensors.

How to Perform:

  • Grab a dumbbell with both hands, sit on the edge of your bench and rest arms against your thighs. Your palms should be facing down
  • Keep your forearms flat, and curl your wrists up so the top of each dumbbell is as high off the ground as you can.
  • From this starting position, slowly scissor the weights back down to your sides.

Reps and Sets: 3×12-15 reps.

Tip: This is a good shot across the bow for your forearm muscles before you over develop the flexors.

3. Hammer Curls

Primary: Brachioradialis the muscle on top of your forearm.

How to Perform:

  • Stand in neutral stance with feet shoulder-width apart and one dumbbell in each hand, grip them palms facing next to your sides.
  • Your upper arm should remain stationary next to your torso: only the forearms move, curling the weights toward shoulders without rotating wrists.
  • Return the dumbbells gently to their original position.

Sets/Reps: 3 × 10-12

Pro-Tip: If you want to increase the squeeze and muscle activation of this exercise, hit that brachioradialis harder when coming up.

4. Zottman Curls

Primary Muscle: Biceps, forearms.

How to Perform:

  • Palms-up Curls Stand with a dumbbell in each hand, palms facing up.
  • Curl the dumbbells in to your shoulders, rotate your wrists at the top and palms facing down.
  • Now start to lower the dumbbells back down in this reverse grip.

Reps/Sets: 3 x 8-10

TIP: The Zottman curl is a two-birds-one-metaphoric-stone kind of exercise that will also blast your forearms, so it's perfect for building overall arm size.

5. Farmer’s Walk

Target: Forearms, grip strength

How to Perform:

  • Extend your arms outward and up, holding a heavy dumbbell in each hand.
  • Walk forward pulling the dumbbells with you as you keep your shoulders back and core tight.
  • Repeat the process of walking 30–60 seconds longer until you have felt enough slippage.

Reps and Sets: 3 x30-60 seconds

Tip: To make it more challenging you can either take use a heavier weight or walk for longer!

6. Dumbbell Wrist Rotations

Primary: Small forearm rotator cuff muscles.

How to Perform:

  • Sit on a bench, and grasp a light dumbbell in each hand with your arms bent at 90 degrees.
  • Curl wrists up and down, keeping the movement in your forearms instead of your shoulders.
  • Execute the rotations slowly true to form.

Reps and Sets: 15-20 reps x 3 sets

Take-home: Wrist stability and forearm mobility.

7. Dumbbell Hold

Main Muscle: Forearms, hand strength.

How to Perform:

  • With arms hanging at your sides, grab one heavy dumbbell in each hand.
  • Grab them real tight and do as many dumbbell holds as you can.

Sets and Reps : 3×30–60 second

Pro Tip: Keep the handles close — a hard squeeze is the best way to get that grip strength Tip #4 flexorcomp.


Adding these dumbbell forearm exercises to your weekly routine will get you on the road to big meaty forearms that look fantastic AND improve and strengthen everything else in every other lift. These exercises are great for building up your grip strength, evening out your arm muscles or just trying to add a little size/shape to the forearms.

Remember, consistency is key. Adding these in your routine workout and you will definitely notice not only gains within few months but also overall arm development.

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